Why Join FEMSA?

We are your trade association, focused on helping you grow your business. From networking opportunities to legislative advocacy education to buyer’s guide participation, there are many benefits a FEMSA membership can provide you and your organization.
By being part of an organization whose voice is stronger than a single firm, you will enjoy:
- An organization that works for the general improvement of your business interests in the industry through its Annual Conference where networking is the key ingredient
- Frequent communication concerning breaking news and trends
- The promotion of working relationships among the organization and end users, component and accessory suppliers, service providers, legislative and regulatory organizations, and other fire service associations
- Our partner relationships include the NFPA, NFFF, IAFC, NVFC, CFSI, FAMA, and FDSOA to name a few
Education & Insight
- Quantitative analysis and peer group feedback regarding the effectiveness of our industry’s top trade shows
- Support and assistance in the development of standards, programs, and objectives related to the safe design, manufacturing, and use of personal protective and other equipment through user information guides and positions on various NFPA technical committees
- Keeping members apprised of all pertinent regulatory, economic, technological and other developments that affect the fire service
- Our caucus and committee structure provide a learning environment giving you a competitive edge by staying ahead of business trends
Governmental Affairs
- This committee is focused on coordinating and leveraging our voice on Capitol Hill. You will receive frequent updates on legislation affecting the fire industry. And on Hill Day, you will have the opportunity to visit your legislators along with other association members. There is truly strength in numbers.
- A complimentary buyer’s guide listing
- Access to research
- Complimentary job postings via the website job postings
- Complimentary press release postings via the website and semi-annual newsletter
- The ability to identify your company as a member by posting the FEMSA logo on your company website
Dues Assessment Schedule
- 1 to 5 employees: $575 (Approved application includes $200 toward one annual meeting fee to be used within one year of the company joining FEMSA)
- 6 to 50 employees: $1250 (Approved application includes one annual meeting fee to be used within one year of the company joining FEMSA)
- 51+ employees: $2095 (Approved aplication includes one annual meeting fee to be used within one year of the company joining FEMSA)
How to Join FEMSA
Upon receipt, you’ll be be contacted by a member of our Board of Directors. A recommendation to approve and vote of the Board will complete the process.