Nominations are now open for four (4) seats on the FEMSA Board of Directors for 2021! The terms of the following Board members will expire as of December 31, 2020:
- Peter Askey – Ricochet Manufacturing Company Inc.
- Nathan Calabrese – Task Force Tips Inc.
- Crosby Grindle – Sourcewell
- William Van Lent – Veridian Fire Protective Gear
Nominations are open for all four (4) positions. Three (3) of the current Board members listed above will seek re-election to the Board. Elections will be held on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at the Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pursuant to FEMSA Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2, at least 45 days before the Annual Meeting (August 23, 2020), the Nominating Committee must present the Secretary/Treasurer a written slate with names of all nominees for the positions of Directors to be filled at the next Annual Meeting. Therefore, any member in good standing for at least one year prior to the election may submit his or her name for nomination to the Committee no later than Monday, August 3, 2020. No later than Friday, August 21, 2020, the Secretary/Treasurer will submit the slate of nominees to the membership for election consideration at the Annual Meeting in October.
The names of the Nominating Committee members, along with their email addresses, are listed below. Nominations must be sent to a committee member by the August 3 deadline, along with a brief profile, a statement as to what the nominee believes he/she can bring to the table as a Director for the benefit of the association membership, and a high resolution photograph.
The term of office for a Director on the Board is three (3) years. New Board members elected at the Annual Meeting in October shall attend all meetings of the Board scheduled from the time of the election through December 31, 2020 in an unofficial, non-voting capacity, providing a period of transition.
The official term of new Board members shall commence on January 1, 2021, and run for three (3) calendar years, ending on December 31, 2023.
Nominees must be willing to make the commitment to serve the association for the full period of their term by:
- attending monthly Board meetings, most are held via conference call
- attending the Spring (May) and Fall (November) Board Retreats (2 days each)
- attending the Annual Meetings of the association
- leading one or more of the standing committees as the chair and/or Board liaison
- co-leading one of the Caucus Groups
- writing committee or caucus group reports and articles for the newsletter
- recruiting new members
- being available when called upon for any special meetings or events that may occur.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the Nominating Committee members listed below or the FEMSA administrator, Cynthia Leighton (
Thank you,
Your FEMSA Nominating Committee:
- Barbara Connolly, Chair – [email protected]
- John Evans – [email protected]
- Vincent Santamauro – [email protected]
- Nancy Yulico – nanci.yulico@clarionevents.
com - Karen Mandel, Board Liaison – [email protected]